
Thursday, March 1, 2012

My Abstract

I’m back!!! I told you it may not be too often, but I am here and ready to go…

It is my last full semester as a college student and I decided to overload myself with enrolling in twenty hours…I know, right? But on a positive note there is light at the end of the tunnel as I anxiously anticipate receiving a diploma in July. Although I am loving ALMOST all of my classes, what would college be if there weren’t those one or two courses that really stretched you??? Oh you know which ones I am talking about… the ones that keep you ordering the venti instead of the grande at starbucks. Yes, pick me… right here!!I have one of those classes this semester. It is my research and ethics class. We have been researching journal articles related to Family and Consumer Science to write our individual review of literature papers. At the beginning of each journal article there is an abstract. An abstract is a brief summary that appears at the beginning of an article that is used as a point of entry. It also helps define the papers purpose. Well, in my first post I told you I would be an open book so here I am trying to stand on my word. I would like to establish my blog with giving you an abstract or introduction of how I came to know Jesus Christ as my intimate Father, Savior, and Friend! It may not be brief ;) but it will most definitely reveal to you what I believe, the foundation which I stand upon, and my purpose here on earth.  

First and foremost I am believer and follower of our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I was a Christian my whole life…or at least I always thought I was. I grew up in a Christian home, went to church every Sunday, and had high enough morals and conviction that I didn’t do anything too bad. It was either that or I was terrified to do something to disappoint my parents. One day my world was shaken.  At the time I was so hurt I couldn’t see how something that bad could be used for something so good. It was an ordinary night when I encountered the sweet embrace of Jesus and learned what saving grace was. I realized if I wanted to be a follower of Jesus Christ I had to die to my flesh and my plans and submit to HIS. It was no longer about my family… I realized on judgment day my parents could not get me into heaven. I would stand before a Righteous, Holy God and he would either tell me to enter or depart (Matthew 7:21-23). It was no longer about just going to church… I realized I never had an intimate relationship with God or even knew what pleased him. It was no longer about being a good enough person…just because I was a good person with a good will did not mean I would inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. It wasn’t until I was completely ridded of myself and broken that I realized I couldn’t put me back together…nor did I want too. I didn’t just want a change I wanted a transformation. I wanted a new heart. There was no power inside of me that could pick up the crumbled pieces of my life. I needed a Savior. I thought I needed to get my life together before I could go before the PERFECT king and ask for his forgiveness…boy, was I wrong. It is when I realized I could go to him broken, shattered, and weak…just as I was and he could and would completely restore me. Only HE could pick up the ashes in my life and make them beautiful. Only he could fill the voids in my heart. Only He could satisfy my deepest longings and desires.

 You see… I had found this love, an earthly love and I thought it was everything I had ever wanted. I was engaged at twenty and all my dreams where coming true. I was a sophomore in college and at this point in my life I was not walking alongside with the Lord. It was not a God glorifying relationship and I never once prayed about this life altering decision. I was making my own choices and living for myself. I knew I was in love and there was nothing stopping me. Then one day God called for this relationship to be sacrificed…ALL of it. No wedding. No Fiance. Nothing. If God loved me he surely wouldn’t hurt me like that, right? I was so wrong. It was because He loved me so much that He did it. I came to understand that His thoughts are not my thoughts and His ways are not my ways (Isaiah 55: 8-9). His sovereignty floods over any control I might feel I hold at times. I tell you this story because this is how I came to know Christ. This is how God removed the blindfold from my eyes and I became saved. God works in mysterious ways…sometimes ways we cannot comprehend or fathom.   It took Him drastically ending an engagement for me to realize I had to first give my life and heart to HIM before I could ever place it in the hands of any earthly man.  

 Although this earthly love was for only a season, God used it to reveal to me HIS eternal love! This was one of the hardest trials I went through, but it was by far the most rewarding. I traded a temporary, self-satisfying love in for a perfect, unconditional, soul saving love that cannot be replaced. This is when I learned what it meant to be a woman who was recklessly abandoned to the Lordship of Christ (Lady in Waiting). Jesus Christ is the foundation on which I stand upon and I believe with all of my heart that He is God and He is good…ALL of the time! He is my purpose here on earth and my prayer is that in and out of season…good or bad…people will able to observe my life and be attracted and drawn to JESUS in me… that through my life they will come know him.

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” –Romans 8:28

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Start of Something New...

I am not an eloquent writer and I did not major in English, but I know when I write I have a sense of release as I begin letting the depths of my heart overflow onto a blank page. Writing is something I have come to love just over the past few years... It seems to be my therapy ;) Writing has been one way I have been able to take my emotions and the passion that ignites my heart and show the world my faith!
 I am starting a blog because I love the Lord with all of my heart and I want to share in words HIS story through my life with you. Some post will be about me and my journey and others may be simply something the Lord has taught me that day! I am not promising to write a lot nor am I promising to right often, but I do promise that I will be an open book. I will show you the real me…a young woman who is by no means perfect or has it all together.  I am simply a wretched sinner who has been saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ.  I want to testify of His love and show how His healing hand has completely transformed me. I want to tell you about a girl who was so broken until one day she fell on her knees before the King of the world and asked Him to have lordship over her life. I want to share with you how in a moment of time her life was forever changed. She has become completely captivated and fallen in love with her Bridegroom.  It’s been a blissful, rocky road and it’s not over yet, but God is more faithful than ever.
If you will join me… I want to share my story with you!